Dzhambul's ode to People's Commissar Yezhov, Dec 1937

Copyright © 1998, 2001 by Hugo S. Cunningham
first posted 980820
latest minor change y10221

Introductory Note

Skip past counterrevolutionary rubbish to Dzhambul's ode to NarKom Yezhov

Counterrevolutionary remarks: Collectivization in Kazakhstan

The following ode to Nikolai Ivanovich was called to our attention by archival workers of the
Beverly Hills rayon Party Center for Preservation of Documents and other Historical Material (BevGorRaiKom TsXDiDIM). With our encouragement, they also made the English translation included here.

[Stixi yavilis' v gazete "Pravde," 3/XII-37, str. 1] (Original in Kazakh; translated into Russian by K. Altajskij and published in "Pravda" 3 December 1937; English translation from the Russian by workers of the Institute for Domestic and Foreign Languages, Aztlan Lenin State University, Angel'sk Autonomous Okrug Branch. Expert commentary for revision was generously given by the linguistic experts at Kiber-NKVD.)
Ob"yasnenie russkoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'
Explanation of Russian transcription used here

Narodnyj poe^t Kazaxstana


V sverkanij molnij ty stal nam znakom, In flashing lightning you became for us a sign,
Ezhov, zorkoglazyj i umnyj narkom. Yezhov, sharp-eyed and intelligent People's Commissar.
Velikogo Lenina mudroe slovo The wise word of the great Lenin
Rastilo dlya bitvy geroya Ezhov. Prepared the hero Yezhov for the battle.
Velikogo Stalina plamennyj zov He heard the burning call of the great Stalin
Uslyshal vsem serdcem, vsej krov'yu Ezhov. In all his heart and blood.
Kogda zasiyali oktyabr'skie zori, When the October dawns began to shine
Dvorec shturmoval on s otvagoj vo vzore. With courage in his eyes he stormed the Palace.
Kogda zhe vojnoj zapylal gorizont, When war appeared on the horizon,
On sel na konya i poexal na front. He mounted his horse and rode to the front.
Shel klass protiv klassa. Zemlya polyxala. Class fought class. The earth blazed.
I rodina krov'yu v te dni istekala. In those days, the Motherland ran with blood.
Szhimali vragi nas zloveshchim kol'com -- The enemy pressed us in a sinister ring --
Zhelezom i stal'yu, ognem i svincom. With iron and steel, fire and lead.
Ya prolshloe pomnyu. V zakatax bagrovyx I remember this. In the purple sunsets
Ya vizhy skvoz' dym komissara Ezhova. I saw Comrade Yezhov through the smoke.
Sverkaya bulatom, on smelo vedet With his sword held high, dressed in the greatcoat
V ataki odetyj v shineli narod. Of the people, he led the attack.
On b'etsya, uchas' u velikix batyrov, He fought, learning from the great heroes
Takix, kak Sergo, Voroshilov i Kirov.Like Sergo, Voroshilov, and Kirov.
S bojcami on laskov, s vragami surov,With his fighters he was kind, with his enemies severe,
V boyax zakalennyj, otvazhnyj Ezhov Hardened in battle was brave Yezhov.
Kogda nad stepyami podnyalsya vosxod When on the steppes the uprising occurred
I plechi raspravil kazaxskij narod, And the Kazakhs straightened their shoulders,
Kogda chabany protiv baev vostali, When they rose up, shepherd against kulak,
Prislali Ezhova nam Lenin i Stalin.Lenin and Stalin sent Yezhov.
Priexal Ezhov i, razveyav tuman, Yezhov came and, the fog clearing away,
Na bitvu za s-chast'e podnyal Kazaxstan, Kazakhstan rose up in the battle for happiness.
Auly splotil pod znamena Sovetov, He united the villages under the banner of the Soviets,
Dal silu i mudrost' kremlevskix dekretov. He gave us the strength and wisdom of the Kremlin's decrees.
Vedya za soboyu kazaxskij narod The Kazakh people following behind him,
Na baev i bekov, vozglavil poxod. He led the advance against the kulaks and the beys.
Narod za Ezhovym poshel v nastuplen'e.The people behind Yezhov began the attack
Sbylis' nayavu zolotye viden'ya. The golden vision became a reality.
Ezhov miroedov prognal za xrebty, Yezhov banished the blood-suckers to the hills,
Otbil tabuny, ix stada i gurty. He liberated their herds and flocks.
Rasstalis' naveki my s bajckim obmanom. We put an end forever to the kulaks' perfidy.
Vesna rascvela po stepyam Kazaxstana Spring blossomed all over the steppes of Kazakhstan
Pyshnee i krashe bylyx nashix snov, More splendid and beautiful than even in our dreams,
Zdes' vse tebya lyubyat, tovarishch Ezhov! Here they all love you, Comrade Yezhov!
Aryki, prudy, golubye ozera Irrigation canals, ponds, blue lakes,
K tebe obrashchayut s-chastlivye vzory. They all look to you with a happy glance.
Zdes' kazhdaya travka, trostnik i cvetok, Here every grass-stalk, reed, and flower,
Snega na vershinax i gornyj potok, Snow on the peaks and mountain streams,
Prostornye stepi ot kraya do kraya The wide steppes from end to end
Tebya ne zabyli, tebya vspominayut. Did not forget you, they remember you.
Kovyl' o tebe svoyu pesnyu poet, The grass around you sings your song
V dvizhenii vetra -- dyxan'e tvoe. In the movement of the wind -- your breath.
Zvuchnej vodopadov, arykov chudesnej Of the sonorous waterfalls, of the miraculous irrigation canals
Stepnye akyni poyut tebe pesni. The bards of the steppes sing songs to you.
I vtorit narod, sobirayas' vokrug: And the people echo, gathering around:
-- Privet tebe, Stalina predannyj drug! -- Greetings to you, devoted friend of Stalin!
A vrag nastorozhen, ozloblen i lyut. But the enemy is dangerous, bitter and cruel.
Prislushajsya: noch'yu zlodei polzut, Listen: the scoundrels creep in the night,
Polzut po ovragam, nesut, izuvery, Creep along the ravine, they carry with them their fanatic beliefs,
Nagany i bomby, bacilly xolery ... Their revolvers and bombs, their cholera bacilli...
No ty ix vstrechaesh', silen i surov, But you found them, strong and stern Yezhov,
Ispytannyj v plameni bitvy Ezhov. Well-tempered in fiery battle.
Vragi nashej zhizni, vragi millionov, -- The enemies of our life, the enemies of the millions, --
Polzli k nam trockistskie bandy shpionov, They crawled toward us, the Trotskyite band of spies,
Buxarincy, xitrye zmei bolot, Bukharinists, cunning snakes of the swamp,
Nacionalistov ozloblennyj sbrod. Embittered nationalist riffraff.
Oni likovali, nesya nam okovy, They rejoiced, bringing to us fetters,
No zveri popalis' v kapkany Ezhova. But the beasts fell into Yezhov's snare.
Velikogo Stalina predannyj drug, Devoted friend of the great Stalin,
Ezhov razorval ix predatel'skij krug. Yezhov broke their traitorous circle.
Raskryta zmeinaya vrazh'ya poroda He exposed the serpent enemy's breed
Glazami Ezhova -- glazami naroda.With the eyes of Yezhov -- the eyes of the people.
Vsex zmej yadovityx Ezhov podstereg Yezhov is on the watch for all poisonous snakes
I vykuril gadov iz nor i berlog. And he smoked out vermin from den and lair.
Razgromlena vsya skorpion'ya poroda He annihilated all types of scorpions
Rukami Ezhova -- rukami naroda. With hands of Yezhov -- the hands of the people.
I Lenina orden, goryashchij ognem, And the Order of Lenin, burning flame,
Byl dan tebe, stalinckij vernyj narkom Was given to you, faithful Stalinist People's Commissar,
Ty -- mech, obnazhennyj spokojno i grozno, You -- a sword, unsheathed, calm and stern,
Ogon', opalivshij zmeinye gnezda, Fire singeing the serpents' nest,
Ty -- pulya dlya vsex skorpionov i zmej, You -- a bullet for all scorpions and snakes,
Ty -- oko strany, chto almaza yasnej. You -- eyes of the country, clearer than a diamond.
Sedoj letopisec, svidetel' e^poxi, Gray chronicler, witness of an era,
Vbirayushchij vse likovan'ya i vzdoxi, Absorbing all rejoicings and sighs,
Sto let dozhivayushchij, drevnij Dzhambul Reaching the age of one hundred, old Dzhambul
Uslyshal v stepi narastayushchij gul. Heard the swelling sound on the steppes.
Mil'onnogolosoe zvonkoe slovoThe million-voiced resounding word
Letit ot narodov k batyru Ezhovu: Will fly from the people to the fighter Yezhov:
Spasibo, Ezhov, chto, trevogu budya, Thank you, Yezhov, that, raising the alarm,
Stoish' ty na strazhe strany i vozhdya! You stood on guard for the country and the leader!
S kazaxskogo perevel K. ALTAJSKIJ.translated from Kazakh by K. ALTAISKY

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Another ode to "Yezhov the Warrior"

N.I. Yezhov's home page.