Copyright © 1998 by Hugo S. Cunningham
First posted 980827
Last minor update y10222

Explanation of Russian transcription used here.

Da zdravstvuet I.V. Stalin!

Da zdravstvuet I.V. Stalin! Long live J.V. Stalin!
The following four items are from "Voprosy Istorii" ("Questions of History"), Nov 1951, p. 18:
organizator i vdoxnovitel' gigantskix istoricheskix pobed sovetskogo naroda; organizer and inspirer of the gigantic historic victories of the Soviet people;
svetlyj genij chelovechestva; brilliant genius of humanity;
znamenosec mira; standard-bearer of peace;
velikij vozhd' i uchitel'; great leader and teacher;
The following one is adapted from George Orwell's "Animal Farm":
nailuchshij drug vsex korov i doyarok; best friend of all cows and milkmaids;
Anastas I. Mikoyan, on Comrade Stalin's 70th birthday (1949):
velikij zodchij kommunizma; the great architect of Communism;
velikij vospriemnik i prodolzhitel' dela Lenina; the great godparent and continuer of Lenin's work;
Lenin segodya; Lenin today;
Georgij M. Malenkov, on Comrade Stalin's 70th birthday (1949):
vozhd' progressivnogo chelovechestva; the leader of progressive humanity;
Nikolaj A. Bulganin, on Comrade Stalin's 70th birthday (1949):
znamya, gordost' i nadezhda vsego progressivnogo chelovechestva; the banner, pride, and hope of all progressive humanity;
The following are from "Sem'ya i Shkola" ("Family and School"), Dec 1949, pp. 1-5. "Sem'ya i Shkola" is a publication of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. School teachers, of course, have apple-polishing developed to a fine art:
velikij korifej nauki
glubzhe vsex razbirayushchijsya v samyx slozhnyx voprosax sovremennosti;
great coryphaeus of science
resolving more profoundly than anyone else the most complicated questions of our time;
velichajshij gumanist sovremennosti
luchshe i yasnee vsex ponimayushchij interesy millionov prostyx lyudej mira;
the greatest humanist of our time
understanding better and more clearly than anyone else the interests of the millions of ordinary people of the world;
podlinnyj gigant revolyucionnoj mysli i dejstviya; original giant of revolutionary thought and action;
genial'nyj myslitel' i uchenyj, vykovavshij dlya proletariata vsesil'noe i nepobedimoe duxovnoe oruzhie; ingenious thinker and scholar, forging all-powerful and unconquerable spiritual armament for the proletariat;
dostojnejshij preemnik Lenina; most worthy successor of Lenin;
vernyj drug i nadezhnyj soratnik Lenina; true friend and dependable brother-in-arms of Lenin;
sozdatel' Krasnoj Armii, organizator i vdoxnovitel' ee pobed; founder of the Red Army [Some lying bourgeois historians have the effrontery to credit this to fascist hireling L.D. Trotsky], organizer and inspirer of its victories;
velikii iniciator vsex luchshix nachinanij strany; great initiator of all the best enterprises of the country;
ispytannyj shturman nashego revolyucionnogo korablya; experienced helmsman of our revolutionary vessel;
velikij sadovnik chelovecheskogo s-chast'ya; great gardener of human happiness;
from miscellaneous sources:
otec narodov; father of nations;
vozhd', uchitel', i drug; leader, teacher, and friend;
lyubimyj vozhd' narodov; beloved leader of nations;
mudryj, rodnoj, i lyubimyj; wise and dearly beloved;

Kachestva u I.V. Stalina Qualities of J.V. Stalin
The following are from "Sem'ya i Shkola," Dec 1949, pp. 1-5:
polkovodcheskij genij, ego umenie reshat' slozhnejshie voprosy voennoj taktiki i strategii; military genius, [meaning] his ability to solve the most difficult questions of military tactics and strategy;
glubokaya predannost' delu osvobozhdeniya rabochego klassa; deep commitment to the task of liberating the working class;
neobychajnaya SKROMNOST', xarakterizuyushchaya podlinno velikix lyudej; the extraordinary MODESTY characteristic of truly great people;
principial'nost' v reshenii vsex voprosov; adherence to principle in resolving all questions;
tverdost' i nepokolebimost' «bez xnykaniya» v trudnyx polozheniyax; firmness and unshakableness "without whining" in difficult situations;
spokojnaya trezvost' «bez kichlivosti» pri uspexax; calm sobriety "without conceit" upon success;
neotrazimaya sila logiki, sokrushayushchaya ili berushchaya v plen protivnika; irresistable strength of logic, crushing or capturing the opponent;
vera v massy i opora na ix opyt; belief in the masses and reliance on their experience;

Zhizn' I.V. Stalina-- e^toThe life of Stalin represents:
The following are from "Sem'ya i Shkola," Dec 1949, pp. 1-5:
bespredel'naya lyubov' k narodu,
tesnaya svyaz' s nim;
unlimited love for the people,
a close bond with them;
glubokoe znanie nuzhd trudyashchixsya i vooruzhenie ix velikim iskusstvom revolyucionnoj bor'by i stroitel'stva novogo chelovecheskogo obshchestva; a deep knowledge of the needs of the workers and armament of them with great skills of revolutionary struggle and construction of a new human society;
neprestannoe gorenie v bor'be za chistotu marksistko-leninskogo ucheniya, za edinstvo partii i monolitnost' ee ryadov; unrelenting passion in the struggle for the purity of Marxist-Leninist teaching, for the unity of the party, and unanimity in its ranks;
neukrotimaya nenavist' k burzhuazii i ee prisluzhnikam, predatelyam rabochego klassa; an irreconcilable hatred for the bourgeoisie and its lackeys, betrayers of the working class;
glubokoe prezrenie k trusam, nytikam, maloveram, boyashchim trudnostej bor'by i stroitel'stva; a deep contempt for cowards, whiners, and doubters, fearing difficulties in battle and construction;
neprestannyj i geroicheskij trud; unrelenting and heroic labor;
vysokaya idejnaya celeustremitel'nost' i moguchaya e^nergiya; a high ideological focus and powerful energy;

additional selection from a 1941 calendar (incomplete).

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