L. Revutskii, "Song About Stalin"

Copyright © 1998 by Hugo S. Cunningham

first posted 981018
latest minor change 001227

Pesnya o STALINE

MIDI rendition by Comrade P.K. Volkov of VOkSovProlKompMuz.
The vocal melody is by clarinet, while piano provides the accompaniment.

The words and score were discovered in
Politicheskoe Upravlenie RKKA, "Pesni Krasnoj Armii," Gosudarstvennoe Voennoe Izdatel'stvo Narodnogo Komissariata Oborony SSSR, Moskva, 1936; str. 3-4.


Ob"yasnenie latinskoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'
Explanation of Russian transcription used here

Pesnya o STALINE Song about STALIN
Muzyka L. RevuckogoMusic by L. Revutskii
Slova M. Ryl'skogoWords by M. Ryl'skii
1. 1.
Vzmyl orlom ot gor vysokix There soared like an eagle from
the high mountains
Sizokrylyj velikan ... A grey-winged giant ...
Xor (dvazhdy povtoryaetsya): Chorus (repeated twice):
    Kryl ne slozhit on shirokix,
    He will not fold his broad wings,
    Ix ne slomit uragan.
    No hurricane will overpower them.
2. 2.
Tyanet solnce nas k vershinam, The sun holds us to the heights,
Ne robeem my nichut'... We fear nothing at all...
Xor (2 x): Chorus (2 x):
    Lėtom solnechnym, orlinym
    By a sunny, eagle's flight
    Vozhd' ukazyvaet put'.
    The Leader will show the way.
3. 3.
Bud' proslavlena pevcami, May our motherland by praised
Mat'-otchizna, v e^tot chas! ... By singers in this hour! ...
Xor (2 x): Chorus (2 x):
    Slovo Stalin mezh nami,
    The word of Stalin is between us,
    Volya Stalina sred' nas!
    The will of Stalin is among us!
4. 4.
Nam pokorny stali vody, The waters submitted to us,
V nogi nam legli polya, The fields lay at our feet,
Xor (2 x): Chorus (2 x):
    Sozdayutsya zavody,
    Factories are created,
    Obnovlyaetcya zemlya!
    The earth is renewed!
5. 5.
V nashej armii edinoj In our united army
Bol'shevistskij dux zhivet. The Bolshevik spirit lives.
Xor (2 x): Chorus (2 x):
    Mysl'yu stalinskoj, orlinoj
    With eagle-like Stalinist thought,
    Mudryj vozhd' nas vsex vedet.
    The wise leader leads us all.
6. 6.
Yarko-krasnymi ognyami With bright red fires
Nam siyaet novyj chas... A new hour shines on us...
Xor (2 x): Chorus (2 x):
    Slovo Stalina mezh nami,
    The word of Stalin is between us,
    Volya Stalina sred' nas.
    The will of Stalin is among us.
    Perevod s ukrainskogo M. Tarlovskogo
    Translated from Ukrainian to Russian by M. Tarlovskii

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