"Song about a Hero Pioneer" (Pavlik Morozov)

Copyright © 2001 by Hugo S. Cunningham
Original Russian text was not copyrighted

first posted y11028
latest minor change y11028

Pesnya o Pionere-Geroe

The words and score are from
I. Gorinstein (editor), "Pionerskij Pesennik," Izdatel'stvo CK VLKSM Molodaya Gvardiya, Moskva, 1938; str. 185-186.

Ob"yasnenie latinskoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'
Explanation of Russian transcription used here

Pesnya o Pionere-Geroe Song about a Hero-Pioneer
Muz. A. V. Aleksandrova.Music by A. V. Alexandrov.
Slova S. Alymova.Words by S. Alymov.
1. 1.
Na Urale lesa -- In the Urals there are forests--
Vekovaya krasa -- Centuries-old beauty
Zeleneyut bogato ves' god. Richly green the whole year.
Nad vershinoj skaly Above the top of a crag1
Proplyvayut orly. Eagles glide.
Nad orlami plyvet samolet. Over the eagles an airplane flies.
2. 2.
Pod goroyu kolxoz, Under the mountain1 there is a kolkhoz,
Nash tovarishch tam ros -- Our comrade grew up there --
Ego Pavlom Morozovym zvat'. Call him Pavel Morozov.
Nash tovarishch -- geroj. Our comrade is a hero.
On naroda dobro He did not allow his father
Ne pozvolil otcu vorovat'. to steal the property of the people.
3. 3.
V neproglyadnuyu t'mu In the impenetrable darkness
Otomstili emu -- They took vengeance on him --
Prodyryavili puleyu grud'. They tore his breast with a bullet.
Ego vrag podstereg The enemy trapped him
U bezlyudnyx dorog, On lonely roads;
Pionera v otryad ne vernut'. The Pioneer will not return to his unit.
4. 4.
Iz orlyat nash otryad -- Our unit is of eagles --
On otvagoj bogat, It is rich in courage,
Vsem rebyatam Morozov -- primer. To all the kids, Morozov is an example.
My -- geroev zveno, We are a squad of heroes,
Nam Morozov rodnoj, Morozov is dear to us,
Ne zabudet ego pioner. The Pioneer will not forget him.
5. 5.
Na Urale, v lesu In the Urals, in the forest
Veter sushit rosu. The wind dries out the dew.
Xrabryj Pavlik v otryad ne pridet. Brave Pavlik will not return to his unit.
On pogib, kak geroj, He died like a hero
Pod vysokoj goroj. Under the high mountain1
Pro nego nasha pesnya poet. Our song sings about him.

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