Ideological distinctions -- communism v. socialism

Copyright © 2004 by Hugo S. Cunningham

First posted 20040425
Last updated 20040425

Explanation of Russian transcription used here.

Source: S. I. Ozhegov, Slovar' Russkogo YAzyka (1988)

Kommunizm-- Communism--
    1. Obshchestvenno-e^konomicheskaya formaciya, zakonomerno prixodyashchaya na smenu kapitalizmu i osnovannaya na obshchestvennoj sobstvennosti na sredstva proizvodstva. Socializm -- pervaya faza kommunizma.
    1. Social-economic stage of development, naturally superseding capitalism and founded on social ownership of the means of production.
    Socialism is the first phase of Communism.
    2. Vtoraya, vysshaya faza e^toj formacii -- besklassovyj obshchestvennyj stroj s edinoj obshchenarodoj sobstvennost'yu na sredstva proizvodstva, polnym social'nym raventsvom vsex chlenov obshchestva, v k-rom vmeste so vsestoronnim razvitiem lyudej vyrastut proizvoditel'nye sily na osnove postoyanno-razvivayashchejsya nauki i texniki i osushchestvitsya princip «Ot kazhdogo -- po sposobnostyam, kazhdomu -- po potrebnostyam.»
    2. The second, higher phase of that development -- classless social structure with universal social ownership of the means of production, full social equality of all members of society. [In this society,] together with all-round development of individuals, grow productive forces on a basis of constantly developing science and technology, fulfilling the principle, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
    3. Marksistsko-leninskaya teoriya sozdaniya i razvitiya takoj formacii. Nauchnyj k.
    3. The Marxist-Leninist theory of the foundation and development of that social structure.
    Scientific communism
    Editor's note on "scientific" communism: Non-Marxist socialist movements, though not rated "scientific," might nevertheless be awarded a respectable place in the Marxist-Leninist pantheon, especially if they preceded Marxism/Leninism and did not compete with it.
Pervobytnyj kommunizm --
    obshchestvennyj doklassovyj stroj pervobytnoj rodovoj obshchiny.
Aboriginal communism --
    pre-class social structure of aboriginal clan society.
Voennyj kommunizm --
    Nazvanie e^konomicheskoj politiki sovetskogo gosudarstva, yavlyayushchejsya vynuzhdennoj meroj v period grazhdanskoj vojny i voennoj intervencii (1918-1920 gg.).
War Communism --
    Name for the economic policy of the Soviet state in 1918-1920, measures compelled by the Civil War and [foreign] military intervention.
Socializm --
    Pervaya faza kommunizma -- obshchestvennyj stroj, v k-rom osnovoj proizvodstvennyx otnoshenij yavlyaetsya obshchestvennaya sobstvenost' na sredstva proizvodstva i v k-rom osushchestvlyaetsya princip «Ot kazhdogo -- po sposobnostyam, kazhdomu -- po trudu».
    V SSSR s. pobedil polnost'yu i okonchatel'no.
    Mirovaya sistema socializma.
Socialism --
    First phase of communism -- a social structure, in which the foundation of productive relations is the social ownership of the means of production, and in which is achieved the principle, "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his work."
    In the USSR socialism triumphed completely and conclusively.
    The international system of Socialism.

Note from an ideologically-suspect popular-fronter--

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