Trofim Denisovich Lysenko

as the "outstanding scientist of the Stalin era"

first posted 981208
minor clerical change 001216

vpered k russkomu tekstu.

(English translation)

All-Union Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Knowledge

Professor I.E. Slushchenko

Akademician T.D. Lysenko-- An Outstanding Soviet Scientist

Transcript of a public lecture, given in the Central lecture hall of the Society in Moscow
"Pravda" Publishing, Moscow, 1949.

pp. 31-32 (conclusion)

In our country, everything possible has been done so that scientists can freely create and build up the most advanced science in the world, thus making easier the work of mankind.

Our scientists are sustained by the concern of the fatherland, and attention from the Party and Comrade Stalin, from the entire Soviet people.

A true student of the Party, people, and our entire Socialist reality is Academician T. D. Lysenko. He subordinates all his knowledge and strength, all his creative thoughts in science to a single goal -- the further flourishing of our great Socialist Motherland.

And Soviet people readily understand the following deeply felt words of the scientist:

Such is the path to science, such are the scientific principles and achievements of the outstanding scientist of the Stalin era, Academician Trofim Denisovich Lysenko.

Ob"yasnenie latinskoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'
Explanation of Russian transcription used here

Vsesoyuznoe Obshchestvo po Rasprostraneniyu Politicheskix i Nauchnyx Znanij

Professor I.E. Slushchenko

Akademik T.D. Lysenko-- Vydayushchijsya Sovetskij Uchenyj

Stenogramma publichnoj lekcii, prochitannoj v Central'nom lektorii Obshchestva v Moskve
Izdatel'stvo "Pravda," Moskva, 1949 g.

str. 31-32 (okonchanie)

V nashej strane sozdany vse vozmozhnosti dlya togo, chtoby uchenye mogli svobodno tvorit', sozdavat' samuyu peredovuyu v mire nauku, oblegchaya tem samym trud cheloveka.

Nashi uchenye okruzheny otecheskoj zabotoj i vnimaniem so storony partii i tovarishcha Stalina, so storony vsego sovetskogo naroda.

Podlinnym vospitannikom partii, naroda, vsej nashej socialisticheskoj dejstvitel'nosti yavlyaetsya akademik T. D. Lysenko. Vse svoi znaniya i sily, vse svoi tvorcheskie pomysly v nauke on podchinyaet edinoj celi-- dal'nejshemu procvetaniyu nashej velikoj socialisticheskoj Rodiny.

I dlya sovetskix lyudej sovershenno ponyatny idushchie ot glubiny dushi sleduyushchie slova uchenogo:

    "Menya chasto sprashivayut: kto tvoi roditeli? I ya otvechayu: krest'yane, s 1929 goda v kolxoze. A po suti, u menya est' i drugie roditeli -- e^to kommunisticheskaya partiya, sovetskaya vlast' i kolxozy. Oni menya vospitali, sdelali nastoyashchim chelovekom."

Takov put' v nauku, takovy nauchnye principy i dostizheniya vydayushchegosya uchenogo stalinskoj e^poxi, akademika Trofim Denisovicha Lysenko.

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