Translation and editing copyright © 1999 by Hugo S. Cunningham
Russkij tekst (original Russian text).
stat'ya (article #) | predmet | subject |
136-139 | ubijstvo | homicide |
140 | abort | abortion |
141 | sodejstvie k samoubijstvu | encouraging suicide |
142-146 | telesnoe povrezhdenie | assault and injury |
147-149 | lishenie svobody; poxishchenie | kidnaping and unlawful detention |
150-155 |
polovye prestupleniya
razvrashchenie maloletnix iznasilovanie muzhelozhstvo svodnichestvo |
sexual crimes
corruption of minors rape male homosexuality recruiting to prostitution |
156-158 | ostavlenie bez pomoshchi | failure to offer assistance |
159-161 | oskorblenie i kleveta | insults and slander |
[[[Editor's note -- Far more severe penalties are imposed on those who attack government officials ("Counterrevolutionary terrorism" -- Article 58-8)]]]
Performance of abortions in unsanitary conditions, or by persons not having special medical training, --
* 143. Intentional bodily injury, not dangerous to life, but causing health disorder, --
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