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The Oliver Stone film "JFK" recycled long-discredited "evidence" to show a huge military-industrial conspiracy assassinating President John F. Kennedy. Because the bad guys got away with it, America suffered the traumas of Vietnam, Watergate, Reaganomics, Iran-Contra, etc, etc.
What would have happened if the good guys (the progressives) had won? As a companion piece to "JFK," Mr. Stone should do a film based on the 1 Dec 1934 assassination of Sergei M. Kirov, a leading member of Stalin's Politburo.
This photo of Sergei Kirov appeared in "Bolshevistskaya Pechat'", 1937, Issue #12 (Dec), p. 12.
[Historical note-- according to some reactionary accounts, Sergei Kirov was the focus of hope for Politburo members (eg Sergo Ordzhonikidze) discontented with Stalin's Collectivization (1929-33) and increasing brutality. The same obliging character that made Kirov trusted by others, however, also made him refuse to challenge Stalin. Therefore, instead of torturing and degrading Kirov, Stalin quietly arranged his death and gave him a hero's funeral. The "investigation" of Kirov's death (Dec 1934) was the opening act of Stalin's Great Purge, reaching its peak in 1937, which cost as much as 5 million lives.
Of course, all these reactionary accounts are outrageous fabrications.]
A screenplay by Oliver Stonesky
Starring Kevin Kostnerov as N.I.Yezhov, NKVD investigator
(based on facts disclosed in trials of enemies of the Soviet people, 1936-38)
The Right Reverend Hewlett Johnston (a cameo appearance by Stonesky himself) makes an Alistair-Cooke-style introductory talk, holding his book, "The Soviet Power." This film will show how a diligent investigator, backed by sound progressive leadership, saved the Soviet people from catastrophe.
2. Adolf Hitler's conference room, Berlin (Germany), 1934--
Nazi military and economic officials confer with anti-Soviet traitors: Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin, Radek, Rykov, and others. Purpose-- destruction of Soviet power and betrayal of workers and peasants to capitalist slavery.
Throughout the USSR, Trotskyite and Zinovievite agents will cause "accidents" in factories and construction sites. Stooges in the reactionary press will blame these "accidents" on overworked, underfed, undertrained workers and shoddy, makeshift equipment.
Bukharinite engineers will poison workers at factory and residential sites, to undermine the survivors' confidence in Soviet rule.
Elimination of proletarian leadership? First target would naturally be the Organizer and Inspirer of the Gigantic Historic Victories of the Soviet People, I.V. Stalin (5 minutes of fervent applause, against background strains of "Internationale"). Unfortunately for them, no reactionary hireling has the courage to face the Great Leader and Teacher. On 4 separate occasions in the last year, assassins came within range of Him, and, dazzled by His radiance, immediately broke down and confessed their evil intentions.
This question is put aside for the moment.
The traitors haggle about their pay with the Nazis. Finally they settle for 1 million American dollars in gold each, plus a 1% payoff from each Soviet province occupied by Nazi or Japanese fascist armies. They seal the agreement by kissing Adolf Hitler's ring, one after the other.
It is not yet possible to touch the Brilliant Genius of Humanity, I.V. Stalin (5 minutes stormy applause). Instead the traitors will eliminate lesser leaders, hoping to build up their own confidence and experience. First target will be "the favorite of the whole party," Sergei Mironovich Kirov, beloved protege of the Wise Helmsman Himself!
The Father, Leader, Friend, and Teacher of the Soviet People, I.V. Stalin (5 minutes of stormy applause) summons Nikolai Ivanovich Yezhov (Kevin Kostnerov), a leading Chekist (NKVD man), to find all those responsible for the murder of His devoted follower and cherished friend.
5. Short scenes, Moscow--
Yezhov orders his investigators to keep silent about Kamenev and Bukharin. If the traitors feel secure, they might incautiously lead him to other enemies of the Soviet people.
After Kamenev leaves, the NKVD find more contraband: Nazi uniforms; numerous explosive devices; blueprints of Soviet factories; Czarist railroad bonds; Nazi propaganda leaflets; lists of saboteurs and their payments; a chart of the Soviet Union, divided up into "spheres of influence" for occupying armies of fascist and capitalist powers; treasonable correspondence between Soviet marshal Tukhachevsky and the German Wehrmacht.
Yezhov finally has the evidence needed to raise a national alarm ...
Zinoviev and Kamenev confess their guilt to the Soviet people.
9. Reich Chancellery, Berlin--
Trotsky demands his payoff from the Nazis. They throw him out of the office and kick him down the front stairs-- he failed!
10. Moscow, overlooking the May Day parade--
Chekist N.I. Yezhov stands in a place of honor, while the marchers below shout their homage to the Greatest Genius of All Times and Peoples, I.V. Stalin! (5 minutes of fervent applause)
Words flash on screen--
4 years later, Hitlerite Germany treacherously attacked the Soviet Union. Thanks to the vigilance of N.I. Yezhov and thousands of other Chekists, there was no Fifth Column to abet the fascists' bloody deeds. Sergei M. Kirov did not die in vain!
[music of "Internationale"]
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