Ob"yasnenie latinskoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'
Note: the Russian version above has some differences from the transliteration used here. Keep that in mind if you use a caption from these "cyberussr" files to search for text in the "magister" report file.
"cyberussr" | "magister" |
e^ | e |
e for dotted ë (stressed "yo") |
¸ (an apparent error) |
j | i |
s-ch | sch |
shch | sh (an apparent error) |
x | h |
" (hard sign) | ' |
chapter #'s | English | Russian | page # artist's initials |
I. | The Continuing Crisis of World Capitalism and the External Situation of the Soviet Union | PRODOLZhAYuShchIJSYa KRIZIS MIROVOGO KAPITALIZMA I VNEShNEE POLOZhENIE SOVETSKOGO SOYuZA | 5 |
Frontispiece: Comrade Stalin | Tovarishch Stalin | 7 I. B. |
The Course of the Economic Crisis in the Capitalist Countries | Dvizhenie e^konomicheskogo krizisa v kapitalisticheskix stranax | 11 |
Graph: since 1929, USSR outperforms capitalist West | S 1929 g-a, promyshlennost' SSSR rosla nepreryvno | 15 N. K. |
Graph: since 1913, USSR outperforms capitalist West | Promyshlennaya produkciya SSSR po sravneniyu s zapadom s 1913 g-a | 17 N. K. |
The Growing Tension in the Political Situation in the Capitalist Countries | Obostrenie politicheskogo polozheniya v kapitalisticheskix stranax | 20 |
Unemployment in the West | Bezrabotica v mire kapitalizma | 21 N. K. |
Western workers contemplate overthrow of capitalism | Ideya shturma kapitalizma | 23 N. K. |
Revolution in China | Revolyuciya v Kitae | 25 A. L. |
Imperialist war might unleash revolution | Imperialisticheskaya vojna ugrozil by samyx imperialistov. | 27 A. L. |
Western Imperialists plan attack on the USSR | Imperialisty dumayut razbit' SSSR | 31 A. L. |
The Relations Between the U.S.S.R. and the Capitalist States | Otnosheniya mezhdu SSSR i kapitalisticheskimi gosudarstvami | 33 |
On guard | Na strazhe | 39 N. K. |
II. | The Continuing Progress of the National Economy | PRODOLZhAYuShchIJSYa POD'EM NARODNOGO XOZYaJSTVA I VNUTRENNEE POLOZhENIE SSSR | 41 |
Predominant role of socialist production in industry | Socialisticheskaya promyshlennost' | 44 N. K. |
Predominant role of socialist production in grain | Socialisticheskoe xozyajstvo v zernovyx kul'turax | 45 N. K. |
A new metallurgical base in the East | Novaya metallurgicheskaya baza na Vostoke | 47 N. K. |
The Progress of Industry | Pod"em promyshlennosti | 50 |
Smoke-stacks are beautiful! | Krasivye dymovye truby | 51 N. D. |
Machine-building | Mashinostroenie | 53 V. S. |
Young skilled workers | Molodye kvalificirovannye rabochie | 55 N. K. |
Young engineers | Novye kadry | 57 N. K. |
The Progress of Agriculture | Pod"em sel'skogo xozyajstva | 61 |
Collectivization has triumphed | Kolxozy pobedili | 67 N. K. |
Ploughing up the remnants of rural capitalism | Vykorchevaya korni kapitalizma v derevne | 71 N. K. |
Tractor driver | Traktorist | 73 V.S. |
The Rise in the Material and Cultural Standard of the Working People | Pod"em material'nogo polozheniya i kul'tury trudyashchixsya | 82 |
Capitalist slums | Trushchoby pri kapitalizme | 79 N. D. |
Well-built Soviet workers' houses | Svetlye rabochie kvartaly pri socializme | 81 N. D. |
Old village blighted by a church | Staraya derevnya s ee cerkov'yu | 83 I. D. |
Prosperous collectivized village | Novaya kollektivizirovannaya derevnya | 85 P. B. |
Adult education in the village | Ucheba dlya vzroslyx v derevne | 75 N. K. |
A vacation spa | Dom otdyx | 88 N. K. |
Preschool | Doshkolnoe obuchenie | 89 N. K. |
Women as kolkhoz leaders | Aktivnye zhenshchiny-kolxoznicy | 91 N. K. |
Women as activist workers | Aktivnost' trudyashchixya zhenshchin | 93 N. K. |
The Progress of Trade Turnover and Transport | Pod"em tovarooborota i transport | 94 |
trade turnover between city and country | tovarooborot mezhdu gorodom i derevnej | 97 I. D. |
Poorly-stocked stores (cartoon) |
prenebrezhenie k trebovaniyam potrebitelya. | 99 B. A. |
Public dining-room | Stolovaya obshestvennogo pitaniya. | 101 I. D. |
Building a steam engine | Strojka paravoza. | 103 N. D. |
Clear bureaucratic obstruction from our transport systems! (cartoon) |
Byurokratizm v transporte. | 115 B. A. |
III. | The Party | PARTIYa | 107 |
Flags of the Party | Znameni Partii. | 111 N. K. |
Questions of Ideological and Political Leadership | Voprosy idejno-politicheskogo rukovodstva | 110 |
Right-deviationists believe perfect society will come miraculously (cartoon) |
Pravyj uklon. | 115 B. A. |
Bourgeois writers falsely claim Soviet society is regimented (cartoon) |
Socializm kak kazarma | 121 B. A. |
Questions of Organizational Leadership | Voprosy organizacionnogo rukovodstva | 128 |
A Party rally | Sobranie Partii | 143 A. L. |
Illyustracii ispolneny brigadoj xudozhnikov pod rukovodstvom zasluzhennogo deyatelya iskusstv I. I. BRODSKOGO |
The illustrations were done by a brigade of artists under the leadership of the honored achiever in arts, I. I. BRODSKY |
Sostav brigady xudozhnikov: | Staff of the artists' brigade: |
name | page numbers of paintings |
V. Antonovskij | 99, 105, 115, 121 |
I. Brodskij | 7 |
P. Buchkin | 85 |
I. Drozdov | 88, 97, 101 |
N. Dormidontov | 51, 79, 81, 103 |
N. Kochergin | 15, 17, 21, 23, 39, 44, 45, 47, 55, 57, 67, 71, 75, 88, 89, 91, 111 |
A. Lyubimov | 25, 27, 31, 143 |
V. Serov | 53, 73, 98 |
Xudozhestvennaya redakciya i oformlenie
xudozhnika N. SEDEL'NIKOVA
Texnicheskij redaktor A. IVANOVA
Korrektor A. GRIGOROVA
Illyustracii vypolneny sposobom ofsetnoj pechati
Sdano v proizvodstvo 1/XI 1934 g.
Fabrika knigi «Krasnyj proletarij» Partizdata CK VKP(b).
Podpisano v pechat' 1/XII 1934 g.
Upolnomochennyj Glavlita V-18594, Partizdat No. 87
Format 72X105 1/16. 9 1/2 p.l. Bumaga Kamenskoj Fabriki
Tirazh 100,000 e^kz. (zavod 3501--13500)
Zakaz No. 8636.
Moskva, Krasnoproletarskaya, 16.