File of Old Denunciations

Copyright © 2001 by Hugo S. Cunningham
file added y10312
latest update Y10726

Scroll ahead to more recent denunciations.

Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 16:29:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Comrade Thomas Bako
informer-email =
informer-class = worker
enemy-name = Kevin Baugh
enemy-email = unknown
enemy-class = capitalist exploiter
Article =
comments = Kevin Baugh is president of a well-known micronation, the Republic of Molossia. This person is a right-wing capitalist pig. Visit the Molossian website,, and see for yourselves, Comrades.

Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 20:47:05 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Anthony O. Smith
informer-email =
informer-class = worker
enemy-name = George W. Bush Jr.
enemy-email =
enemy-class = Capitalist Exploiter
Article = Counterrevolutionary activity, membership in a counterrevolutionary organization, Criminal activity,
comments = Comrads, this e^kspluatator and vrag naroda, George W. Bush Jr. Is a classic example of the socially detremental nature of inherited wealth. He has no value for democracy, as evidence by his prezrennyj behavior in criminally usurping the recent Presidential election (USA.) He is an avowed capitalist, and an obvious proponent of the bourgeois oppression of the proletarian masses. Please give imediate attention to him, before his diabolical agenda results in further sabotazh to the progress of the Communist Revolution.

A Vigilant Chekist comments:

Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 21:39:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Anthony O. Smith
informer-email =
informer-class = worker
enemy-name = Hugo S. Cunningham
enemy-email =
enemy-class = unknown, but, suspected kulak.
Article = Vynashivanie AntiSovetizma, Social'no-Vreditel'nyj E^lement, KontrRevolyucionnaya Deyatel'nost'
comments = Comrads, this avantyurist vosxishchenie rastlennyj kontrrevolyucionnyj dvurushnik has set up a web site that pretends to glorify Stalin and the people's revolution. But, it is a kontrrevolyucionnyj kleveta of Communism! Rasstrel is too good for this vrag naroda, he should be forced to do hard labor in the building of Communism in Siberia! Send him and George W. Bush Jr. there together! Only by such use can their lives ever have any value!

A. Zhdanov comments:

Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 03:00:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = ivan ivanisovich
informer-email =
informer-class = worker
enemy-name = Grant Jones
enemy-email =
enemy-class = capitalist exploiter
Article = Article 17
comments = A lickspittle of the capitalist running dogs of Corporate Insurance.

A Vigilant Chekist comments:

Date sent: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 10:30:12 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Ruairi MacCuarta
informer-email =
informer-class = Proletarian
enemy-name = Stuart Ouseley
enemy-email =
enemy-class = Hooligan wrecker
Article = Various 58
comments = This wrecking swine Ouseley has placed a slanderous "joke" on the web viz: "the Georgian workers have requested that Beria put an armed guard around Stalin's mother's house to prevent the birth of another Stalin", Comrades! I suggest that this traitor feels the iron fist of socialist justice....

From: (N.I. Yezhov)
Newsgroups: alt.politics.libertarian
Subject: Terrorist Presence in French Government
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 00:34:18 GMT
Lines: 41
Message-ID: 9gduqb$c9k$

We are disgusted, but not entirely surprised, to find the following:

The crimes of bourgeois politicians in France long ago ceased to amaze us. Their General Pétain, who collaborated with fascist occupiers and condoned the murder of patriots, is notorious. The hypocrisy of bourgeois parties who, after liberation, made use of former Pétainist elements is almost as notorious. But the case of M. Jospin scrapes the bottom of the barrel -- aligning with the world's worst terrorist, with so much blood of Soviet factory-workers and peasants on his hands. The West may try to cover it up, but the atrocious reality of Trotskyism is recorded forever in the transcripts of the 1936-38 Moscow trials.
See, for example, the Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre", August 19-24, 1936.
--N.I. Yezhov

Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 21:00:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Josef Klein
informer-email =
informer-class = Soldat
enemy-name = R.S.
enemy-email =
enemy-class = SS-Rttf.
Article = 154-a. Sexual relations of a man with a man (pederasty)
comments = Bedding down with the RAT SANI in barracks!!!!!!!!! TO SIBERIA WITH THEM BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 20:57:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Josef Klein
informer-email =
informer-class = Soldat
enemy-name = C.N.S.
enemy-email =
enemy-class = SS-Sanitäter
Article = 154-a. Sexual relations of a man with a man (pederasty)
comments = The Sani is a RAT!!!

Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 15:59:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Tovarish L.
informer-email = N/A
informer-class = Worker
enemy-name = Mr. K. F.
enemy-email = unknown
enemy-class = capitalist exploiter
Article = 58-10 and 58-11
comments = Comrades! A selfish capitalist bourgeois, namely K. F. is guilty of:
Anti-Sovetskaya Agitaciya,
KontrRevolyucionnaya Deyatel'nost',
KontrRevolyucionnoe Myshlenie i
Vynashivanie AntiSovetizma!
We must act quickly and boldly!

Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 17:54:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Nicolai
informer-email =
informer-class = Worker
enemy-name = Adolf Hitler
enemy-email =
enemy-class = Kulak
Article =
comments = You are hereby denounced as an enemy of the people of the Soviet Union for suporting the facist and barbaric nazis

Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 23:33:05 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Aleksei Petrovich
informer-email =
informer-class = Noble Sniper
enemy-name = Herr Crowley
enemy-email =
enemy-class = Hitlerite
Article = Article 58-1b and 58-10
comments = Citizen Crowley of the Danverskaya Area has been observed on several occasions consorting with members of the German Nazi Movement. In the Name of Stalin he should be detained for interrogation.

Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 14:05:35 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Fritz
informer-email =
informer-class = Soldier
enemy-name = Klaus
enemy-email =
enemy-class = capitalist exploiter
Article = 58-6
comments = For the crime of espionage against the Soviets, you are hereby to be sent to Siberia for no less than 5 years of re-education.

Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 18:36:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Eustace Crist
informer-email =
informer-class = Worker
enemy-name = Tim Scott
enemy-email =
enemy-class = Capitalist Exploiter
Article = 58-6
comments = Comrade Scott has been observed selling the military secrets of the Motherland to his fellow capitalist lackeys - secrets he has discovered by impersonating a soldier of the Red Army.
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 17:20:18 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Rodion Maksimovich
informer-email =
informer-class = soldier
enemy-name = Linda
enemy-email =
enemy-class = rootless cosmopolitan
Article = 58-11
comments = I denounce Comrade Linda for her continued efforts at undermining the glorious advance of the worldwide socialist revolution!

Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 17:17:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Stukov
informer-email =
informer-class = soldier
enemy-name = Stuart
enemy-email =
enemy-class = dirty rotten capitalist
Article = 58-11
comments = Stuart, in being employed by the capitalist company, and willingly so, forfeits his liberties with the greater motherland. May your day be long and dreary, my comrade. Perhaps a vacation in Siberia will make you think clearer.

Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 16:52:57 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = chris
informer-email =
informer-class = peasant soldier
enemy-name = Marsh Wise
enemy-email =
enemy-class = lumpen-cosmopolitan
Article = Wasting bandwidth is covered by Article 58-9
comments = I Denounce Marsh Wise as a waster of common bandwidth and a collaborator of Counterrevolutionary Trotskyite Hyena ideology and promoter of foreign reenacting methods! Honored comrades, Marsh's crimes against the Socialist motherland include Articles 58-6, 58-11, 58-10 and article 58-13 of the Criminal Code. This bourgeois careerist cosmopolitan exploiter is a dangerous criminal!
He should be immediately brought forth to the public square and taunted, poked with sharp sticks, and made to carry heavy things for a long time, then sent back east to count trees.

Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 08:12:18 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Josef Stalin
informer-email = JStalin@thekremlin.cccp
informer-class = Supreme Soviet
enemy-name = V l Lenin
enemy-email = Vllenin@ussr.cccp
enemy-class = capitalist exploiter
Article =
comments = he died

Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 06:59:49 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = S Ouseley
informer-email =
informer-class = NKVD member
enemy-name = Ruairi McCourt
enemy-email =
enemy-class = wrecker
Article =
comments = This criminal recently visited the USA. He met the CIA and received orders to wreck socialism. We call upon the great engine driver of history to uproot this scum. He also praises formalist art and refuses to embrace socialist realism. He openly admits to enjoying degenerate artists such as Dali.

(Comrades? Citizens?) Mac Cuarta, R. vs. Ouseley, S.
[latest update added 000909]

Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 14:26:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Hunter Darby
informer-email =
informer-class = worker
enemy-name = Sweet Jimmy Grumbles
enemy-email =
enemy-class = lumpen-proletarian
Article =
comments = This slovenly revisionist liar shirks his duties in the workplace collective and constantly insists that he has a position on the Central Committee in order to dupe young female Party members to engage in carnal-revolutionary acts. He also takes liberties with his comrades' libations and fabricates deceptions in the face of overwhelming evidence. He is an enemy of the people and Mother Russia!

Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 19:51:54 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Petr Genrikovich Uldanov
informer-email =
informer-class = Peasant
enemy-name = Carol Avedikian
enemy-email =
enemy-class = Petty-bourgeois
Article = 58-2, 58-4, 58-10, 58-11, 58-12
comments = Long Live Comrade Stalin!
Honored Chekist Comrades:
I find it necessary to denounce the petty-bourgeois, bourgeois-nationalist, counterrevolutionary, revisionist Carol Avedikian.
Her crimes against the Socialist Motherland include violations of Articles 58-2, 58-4, 58-10, 58-11, and 58-12 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. As to the first item: Her continued agitation for Armenian Nationalism is a clear violation of Article 58-2 related to bourgeois nationalism. The Armenian people welcome with joy the Socialist brotherhood of the Great Soviet Nation, led by the Great Stalin. Citizen Avedikian's agitation for Armenian separatism is aimed at undermining the foundations of the Soviet state.
As to the second item: Her counterrevolutionary agitation is conducted from the counterrevolutionary states of Britain and the USA. From the rotten heart of the decadent capitalist privy she conducts her obscene treason.
As to the third item: Her agitation and propaganda include appeals to bourgeois concepts of freedom of speech and the press. Since these call for allowing the viewpoints of the most counterrevolutionary and depraved individuals to be expressed, with the clear intent of weakening the authority of the Soviets, it is clear that this voluntarist diversionist is aiming at establishing the conditions for reimposing the yoke of capitalist exploitation.
As to the fourth item: Her membership in organizations aimed at establishing bourgeois so-called "civil liberties" (unlike the real Soviet civil freedoms established under the beneficient oversight of the Great Stalin) is patent proof of the intent to violate this clause.
As to the fifth item: Far from having denounced similar actions concocted by her partners in counterrevolutionary agitation and terrorism, she has aided and abetted them.
In the name of the Soviet People! Glory, Glory, Glory to the Great Stalin, the Great Leader and Teacher, the Great Friend of the Working Class!

Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 15:56:24 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name =
informer-email =
informer-class =
enemy-name = Richard Waibel
enemy-email =
enemy-class = kulak
Article =
comments = Comrade Waibel is a traitor in Soviet life as he collaborates with Trotskyite hyenas

Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 19:54:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name =
informer-email =
informer-class = Proletariat
enemy-email =
comments =

Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 00:50:27 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Tim Bender
informer-email =
informer-class = Bolshevik intelligentsia
enemy-name = Melissa
enemy-email =
enemy-class = Kulak
Article = 58-14, and others
comments = Suspect has consistently failed to e-mail me in a timely fashion, thus failing to exemplify the Stakhanovite spirit, and has in the past been misleading about her intent in such a fashion as to clearly constitute ideological wrecking and implicit anti-Soviet propaganda. Also she fails to display proper taste in beer. It is in the utmost interest of the Soviet people that she be liquidated.
All honor to the ever-benevolent and wise Comrade Stalin, our great Leader!

From: (N.I. Yezhov)
Newsgroups: soc.culture.russian, soc.culture.polish
Subject: Is obscene parody of "Gimn Sovetskogo Soyuza" posted anywhere?
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 01:37:39 GMT
Message-ID: 918reh$

Has such a parody been posted anywhere on the web? The comrades at the Cyber USSR are eager to find out, so they can condemn it in appropriate terms.
--N.I. Yezhov

This inquiry brought a helpful response from at least one web comrade:

Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 05:55:32 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Vladimir L. Lenin
informer-email = vllenin@ussr.cccp
informer-class = peasant
enemy-name = E.A. Smith
enemy-email =
enemy-class = Kulak
Article =
comments = [crude remark deleted; such remarks are the prerogative of trusted Party workers]
She openly speaks against the supreme Soviet, denounces the motherland and is a capitalist pig!
Subject: An email from Slate
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 19:29:53 -0800
Immediate liquidation for this rootless-cosmopolitan would be too good for her. Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 13:45:14 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name =
informer-email =
informer-class = Worker
enemy-name = Mericle, John
enemy-email = Secret(Hiding?)
enemy-class = Capitalist Lackey
Article =
comments = Known free-thinker despite almost chameleon-like ability to blend in with comrades. Clue: Inability to stifle laughter.

Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 04:42:39 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Denunciation of enemy of the people
informer-name = Sebastian Utbult
informer-email =
informer-class = Party Official
enemy-name = Mjukis Lundin
enemy-email =
enemy-class = Kulak
Article = 58-10
comments = A bearded, counterrevolutionary kulak who has to be sent away.

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20 Jul 2000 - 28 Feb 2001

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30 Dec 1999 - 4 Jul 2000

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2 Sep 1998 - 11 Nov 1999

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