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Translation copyright © 1999 by Hugo S. Cunningham

Ob"yasnenie latinskoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'

Russkij tekst (original Russian text)

Articles 1-19 from the "General Part" of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (1934)


with changes
as of 1 October 1934




For now, the English translation doesn't begin until Article 16


O zadachax ugolovnogo zakonodatel'stva RSFSR.

1. Ugolovnoe zakonodatel'stvo RSFSR imeet zadachej oxranu socialisticheskogo gosudarstva rabochix i krest'yan i ustanovlennogo v nem pravoporyadka ot obshchestvenno-opasnyx dejstvij (prestuplenij) putem primeneniya k licam, ix sovershayushchim, ukazannyx v nastoyashchem kodekse mer social'noj zashchity.


Limits on applicability of the Criminal Code

2. The applicability of this code extends to all citizens of the RSFSR, committing socially-dangerous acts within the boundaries of the RSFSR, and likewise outside the borders of the USSR in case of their detention on the territory of the RSFSR.

3. Citizens of other Union republics are subject to laws of the RSFSR for crimes committed on the territory of the RSFSR, and likewise outside the borders of the USSR, if they are held and delivered to judgement or investigation on the territory of the RSFSR.

For crimes committed on the territory of the Union, citizens of Union republics are subject to the laws of the place where the crime was committed.


1) Prinyat 2 sessiej VCIK XII sozyva, vveden v dejstvie post. VCIK 22 noyabrya 1926 g. s 1 yanvarya 1927 g. (SU No. 80, st. 600). [[[obratno]]]

*) Zvezdochka pered nomerom stat'i oznachaet, chto k e^toj stat'e imeyutsya materialy v prilozhenii. [[[obratno]]]

[begin p. 4]

4. Foreigners, for crimes committed on the territory of the USSR, are subject to the laws of the place where the crime was committed.

5. The question of criminal responsibility of foreign citizens, having received extra-territorial rights, is subject in each case to diplomatic means.


Obshchie nachala ugolovnoj politiki RSFSR

*6. Socially dangerous means any act or inaction, directed against the Soviet structure or violating good order, established by worker-peasant authority in the period of time transitional to the Communist structure.

7. To persons, having committed socially-dangerous acts or representing danger because of their links with a criminal environment or their past activity, are applied measures of social defence of a judicial-corrective, medical, or medical-pedagogical character.

8. Esli konkretnoe dejstvie, yavlyayushcheesya v moment soversheniya ego, soglasno st. 6 nastoyashchego kodeksa, prestupleniem, k momentu rassledovaniya ego ili rassmotreniya v sude poteryalo xarakter obshchestvenno-opasnogo vsledstvie li izmeneniya ugolovnogo zakona ili v silu odnogo fakta izmenivshejsya social'no politicheskoj obstanovki, ili esli lico, ego sovershivshee, po mneniyu suda k ukazannomu momentu ne mozhet byt' priznano obshchestvenno-opasnym, dejstvie e^to ne vlechet primeneniya mery social'noj zashchity k sovepshivshemy ego.

9. Mery social'noj zashchity primenyayutsya v celyax:

Mery social'noj zashchity ne mogut imet' cel'yu prichinenie fizicheskogo stradaniya ili unizheniya chelovecheskogo dostoinstva i zadachi vozmezdiya i kary sebe ne stavyat.

10. V otnoshenii lic, sovershivshix obshchestvenno-opasnye dejstviya, mery social'noj zashchity sudebno-ispravitel'nogo xaraktera primenyayutsya lish' v tex sluchayax, kogda e^ti lica:

11. Mery social'noj zashchity sudebno-ispravitel'nogo xaraktera ne mogut byt' primenyaemy v otnoshenii lic, sovershivshix prestupleniya v sostoyanii xronicheskoj dushevnoj bolezni ili vremennogo rasstrojstva dushevnoj deyatel'nosti ili v inom boleznennom sostoyanii, esli e^ti lica ne mogli otdavat' sebe otcheta v svoix dejstviyax ili rukovodit' imi, a ravno i v otnoshenii tex lic, kotorye xotya i dejstvovali v sostoyanii dushevnogo ravnovesiya no k momentu vyneseniya prigovora zaboleli dushevnoj bolezn'yu.

K e^tim licam mogut byt' primenyaemy lish' mery social'noj zashchity medicinskogo xaraktera.

*12. Mery social'noj zashchity sudebno-ispravitel'nogo xaraktera ne podlezhat primeneniyu k nesovershennoletnim do shestnadcatiletnego vozrasta, v otnoshenii kotoryx mogut byt' primenyaemy komissiyami po delam o nesovershennoletnix lish' mery social'noj zashchity mediko-pedagogicheskogo xaraktera. [30 oktyabrya 1929 g . (SU No. 82, st. 796)].

[begin p. 6]

13. Mery social'noj zashchity ne primenyayutsya vovse k licam, sovershivshim dejstviya, predusmotrennye ugolovnymi zakonami, esli sudom budet priznano, chto e^ti dejstviya soversheny imi v sostoyanii neobhodimoj oborony protiv posyagatel'stva na sovetskuyu vlast', libo na lichnost' i prava oboronyayushchegosya ili drugogo lica, esli pri e^tom ne bylo dopushcheno prevysheniya predelov neobhodimoj oborony.

Mery social'noj zashchity ne primenyayutsya, kogda te zhe dejstviya soversheny dlya otvrashcheniya opasnosti, kotoraya byla neotvratima pri dannyx obstoyatel'stvax drugimi sredstvami, esli prichinennyj pri e^tom vred yavlyaetsya menee vazhnym po sravneniyu s preduprezhdennym vredom. [6 iyunya 1927 g. (SU No. 49, st. 330)].

* 14. Ugolovnoe presledovanie ne mozhet imet' mesta:
a) kogda so vremeni soversheniya prestupleniya, za kotoroe sudom mozhet byt' naznacheno lishenie svobody na srok svyshe pyati let, proshlo desyat' let; b) kogda so vremeni soversheniya prestupleniya, za kotoroe sudom mozhet byt' naznacheno lishenie svobody na srok ne svyshe pyati let, proshlo pyat' let; v) kogda so vremeni soversheniya prestupleniya, za kotoroe sudom mozhet byt' naznacheno lishenie svobody na srok do odnogo goda ili v zakone opredelena bolee myagkaya, chem lishenie svobody, mera social'noj zashchity, proshlo tri goda.

Davnost' primenyaetsya, esli v techenie sootvetstvuyushchego sroka ne bylo nikakogo proizvodstva po dannomu delu. Techenie davnosti preryvaetsya, esli sovershivshij prestuplenie vo vremya techeniya sootvetstvuyushchego sroka davnosti sovershit drugoe odnorodnoe ili ne menee tyazhkoe prestuplenie, libo skroetsya ot sledstviya ili suda; is-chislenie davnostnyx srokov v e^tix sluchayax nachinaetsya so dnya soversheniya vtorogo prestupleniya ili so dnya vozobnovleniya priostanovlennogo proizvodsta. [6 iyunya 1927 g. (SU No 49, st. 330)].

15. Obvinitel'nyj prigovor ne privoditsya vovse v ispolnenie, esli on ne byl priveden v ispolnenie v techenie desyati let so dnya vyneseniya prigovora.

* 16. If any socially dangerous activity is not directly covered by this code, then the foundation and limits of responsibility for it are defined in relation to those articles of the code, which provide for the most similar type of crime.

* 17. Measures of social defense of a judicial-corrective character are to be applied the same way to those who committed a crime -- the perpetrators, as to their fellow participants -- instigators and helpers.

Persons inclined to commit a crime are considered inciters.

Persons cooperating in the perpetration of a crime with advice, instructions, provision of means and removal of obstacles, or likewise hiding the criminal or traces of the crime, are considered helpers.

18. Measures of social defense of a judicial-corrective character are defined for each of the participants in

[begin p. 8]

accordance both with the degree of their participation in the given crime, as well as the degree of danger of that crime and the persons participating in it.

Failure to denounce a crime either perpetrated or in preparation is punishable by measures of social defense of a judicial-corrective character only in situations, specially indicated in this code.

* 19. Attempts at any crime, and likewise preparatory actions for crime, manifested in the finding or employment of tools, means and the creation of conditions of crime, are punishable in the same way as crimes committed; accordingly, the court when choosing a measure of social defense of a judicial-corrective character must be guided by the dangerousness of the person committing the crime or the attempt, the degree of preparation of the crime, and the nearness of the arrival of its consequences, and likewise the reasons for which the crime was not carried to a conslusion.

In cases, where the crime was not carried out due to the voluntary refusal of the person, who had intended to carry out the crime, to perpetrate it, the court will impose measures of social defense corresponding to those acts that actually had been carried out by the attempter or preparer.

[Scroll ahead to DIVISION FOUR and Article 20.]

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