A Stalin-revisionist school textbook views Collectivization

first posted y10125
Latest change y10125

Copyright © 2001 by Hugo S. Cunningham

I found the textbook
Yu.Yu. Izosimov and S.M. Melamed, Otechestvennaya Istoria v Kratkom Izlozhenii ("The Fatherland's History in a Short Exposition"), Moskva, "List," 1998; paper, 447 pp
on sale in a Minsk (Belarus) textbook store in October 2000. It is a summary designed as examination review for high school students of Russian history. Its pro-Soviet tenor would naturally be acceptable to the Soviet-nostalgic President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, as well as many anti-"reform" districts of Russia.

On pp. 315-317, Izosimov and Melamed discuss collectivization (1929-1933):

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