Copyright © 2003 Hugo S. Cunningham
Original Soviet text was not copyrighted

Added 20030422
Last minor change 20030422

Ob"yasnenie latinskoj azbuki vospolzuemoj zdes'

Cena 40 kop.Price 40 kopeks
MKRKP -- mozhet byt' «Moskovskogo Komiteta Rossijskoj Kommunisticheskoj Partii»
JOURNAL of the M.K.R.K.P.
MKRKP -- perhaps "of the Moscow Committee of the Russian Communist Party"
Ris. D. MoorCartoonist: D. Moor
SHurum burum: molyat', prodavat'.
Edy vtoruyu tysyachu let. Vyexal iz Aravii, byl v Palestine, byl v Persii, v Turcii, v Indii, v Turkestane, v Egipte, byl v Krymu, byl na Kavkaze. Gde kupec, tam i Allax. Kupcu nado pomogat'. Kupcu bez Allaxa trudno torgovat'. Kupcu nuzhen mech, nuzhna vlast'. Gde dengi, tam i vlast'. Pust' bednyj osel ne serditsya na kupca. Allax zhaleet osla; on ego ne zabyl i sdelal dlya nego sladkij raj. Kogda osel umret, on pojdet v raj. Teper' osel dolzhen userdno rabotat' za kupca. Allax velit pochitat' vlast'. Edinu vlast! Edinogo boga! Edin est' bog Allax! SHurum burum...
SHurum burum: pray and betray.
I ride for a second thousand years. I rode out of Arabia, was in Palestine, was in Persia, in Turkey, in India, in Turkestan, in Egypt, was in Crimea, was in the Caucasus. Where there is a merchant, there is Allah. One should help the merchant. Without Allah, it is difficult for the merchant to do business. The merchant needs a sword, needs authority. Where there is money, there is power. The poor donkey should not be angry at the merchant. Allah pities the donkey; he did not forget him and has made him a sweet paradise. When the donkey dies, he will go to paradise. Now the donkey must work conscientiously for the merchant. Allah commands obedience to authority. One authority! One god! Allah is the only god! SHurum burum...
Translator's note: "Shurum-burum" may be intended to sound Turkic, thought I did not find it in a Turkish dictionary. An Internet search shows that it is used in modern Russian, eg meaning "hullaballoo."

The theme of this month's issue (and cover) is anti-Islam.

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