HTML 3.2 color specifications

Copyright © 1999, 2004 by Hugo S. Cunningham
First posted 19990605
Latest change 20041220

HTML 3.2 Predefined color names, in tabular format

#ffffff WHITE #c0c0c0 SILVER #808080 GRAY #000000 BLACK
#00ffff AQUA #008080 TEAL
#00ff00 LIME #008000 GREEN
#ffff00 YELLOW #808000 OLIVE
#ff0000 RED #800000 MAROON
#ff00ff FUCHSIA #800080 PURPLE
#0000ff BLUE #000080 NAVY

Other color combinations

Lighter shades (#)
darker shades
aqua aqua aqua 80ffff 60e0ff 40c0ff 20a0ff #0080ff 0060e0 0040c0 0020a0 000080 navy navy navy
aqua aqua a0ffff 80e0ff 60c0ff 40a0ff 2080ff #0060ff 0040e0 0020c0 0000a0 navy navy navy navy
aqua c0ffff a0e0ff 80c0ff 60a0ff 4080ff 2060ff #0040ff 0020e0 0000c0 navy navy navy navy navy
e0ffff c0e0ff a0c0ff 80a0ff 6080ff 4060ff 2040ff #0020ff 0000e0 navy navy navy navy navy navy
e0e0ff c0c0ff a0a0ff 8080ff 6060ff 4040ff 2020ff #0000ff
0000e0 0000c0 0000a0 000080 000060 000040 000020
ffe0ff e0c0ff c0a0ff a080ff 8060ff 6040ff 4020ff #2000ff 0000e0 navy navy navy navy navy navy
fuchsia ffc0ff e0a0ff c080ff a060ff 8040ff 6020ff #4000ff 2000e0 0000c0 navy navy navy navy navy
fuchsia fuchsia ffa0ff e080ff c060ff a040ff 8020ff #6000ff 4000e0 2000c0 0000a0 navy navy navy navy
fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia ff80ff e060ff c040ff a020ff #8000ff 6000e0 4000c0 2000a0 000080 navy navy navy
fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia ff60ff e040ff c020ff #a000ff 8000e0 6000c0 4000a0 200080 000060 navy navy
fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia ff40ff e020ff #c000ff a000e0 8000c0 6000a0 400080 200060 000040 navy
fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia ff20ff #e000ff c000e0 a000c0 8000a0 600080 400060 200040 000020
ffe0ff ffc0ff ffa0ff ff80ff ff60ff ff40ff ff20ff #ff00ff
e000e0 c000c0 a000a0 800080 600060 400040 200020
fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia ff20ff #ff00e0 e000c0 c000a0 a00080 800060 600040 400020 200000
fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia ff40ff ff20e0 #ff00c0 e000a0 c00080 a00060 800040 600020 400000 maroon
fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia ff60ff ff40e0 ff20c0 #ff00a0 e00080 c00060 a00040 800020 600000 maroon maroon
fuchsia fuchsia fuchsia ff80ff ff60e0 ff40c0 ff20a0 #ff0080 e00060 c00040 a00020 800000 maroon maroon maroon
fuchsia fuchsia ffa0ff ff80e0 ff60c0 ff40a0 ff2080 #ff0060 e00040 c00020 a00000 maroon maroon maroon maroon
fuchsia ffc0ff ffa0e0 ff80c0 ff60a0 ff4080 ff2060 #ff0040 e00020 c00000 maroon maroon maroon maroon maroon
ffe0ff ffc0e0 ffa0c0 ff80a0 ff6080 ff4060 ff2040 #ff0020 e00000 maroon maroon maroon maroon maroon maroon
ffe0e0 ffc0c0 ffa0a0 ff8080 ff6060 ff4040 ff2020 #ff0000
e00000 c00000 a00000 800000 600000 400000 200000
ffffe0 ffe0c0 ffc0a0 ffa080 ff8060 ff6040 ff4020 #ff2000 e00000 maroon maroon maroon maroon maroon maroon
yellow ffffc0 ffe0a0 ffc080 ffa060 ff8040 ff6020 #ff4000 e02000 c00000 maroon maroon maroon maroon maroon
yellow yellow ffffa0 ffe080 ffc060 ffa040 ff8020 #ff6000 e04000 c02000 a00000 maroon maroon maroon maroon
yellow yellow yellow ffff80 ffe060 ffc040 ffa020 #ff8000 e06000 c04000 a02000 800000 maroon maroon maroon
yellow yellow yellow yellow ffff60 ffe040 ffc020 #ffa000 e08000 c06000 a04000 802000 600000 maroon maroon
yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow ffff40 ffe020 #ffc000 e0a000 c08000 a06000 804000 602000 400000 maroon
yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow ffff20 #ffe000 e0c000 c0a000 a08000 806000 604000 402000 200000
ffffe0 ffffc0 ffffa0 ffff80 ffff60 ffff40 ffff20 #ffff00
e0e000 c0c000 a0a000 808000 606000 404000 202000
yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow ffff20 #e0ff00 c0e000 a0c000 80a000 608000 406000 204000 002000
yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow ffff40 e0ff20 #c0ff00 a0e000 80c000 60a000 408000 206000 004000 green
yellow yellow yellow yellow ffff60 e0ff40 c0ff20 #a0ff00 80e000 60c000 40a000 208000 006000 green green
yellow yellow yellow ffff80 e0ff60 c0ff40 a0ff20 #80ff00 60e000 40c000 20a000 008000 green green green
yellow yellow ffffa0 e0ff80 c0ff60 a0ff40 80ff20 #60ff00 40e000 20c000 00a000 green green green green
yellow ffffc0 e0ffa0 c0ff80 a0ff60 80ff40 60ff20 #40ff00 20e000 00c000 green green green green green
ffffe0 e0ffc0 c0ffa0 a0ff80 80ff60 60ff40 40ff20 #20ff00 00e000 green green green green green green
e0ffe0 c0ffc0 a0ffa0 80ff80 60ff60 40ff40 20ff20 #00ff00
00e000 00c000 00a000 008000 006000 004000 002000
e0ffff c0ffe0 a0ffc0 80ffa0 60ff80 40ff60 20ff40 #00ff20 00e000 green green green green green green
aqua c0ffff a0ffe0 80ffc0 60ffa0 40ff80 20ff60 #00ff40 00e020 00c000 green green green green green
aqua aqua a0ffff 80ffe0 60ffc0 40ffa0 20ff80 #00ff60 00e040 00c020 00c000 green green green green
aqua aqua aqua 80ffff 60ffe0 40ffc0 20ffa0 #00ff80 00e060 00c040 00c020 008000 green green green
aqua aqua aqua aqua 60ffff 40ffe0 20ffc0 #00ffa0 00e080 00c060 00c040 008020 006000 green green
aqua aqua aqua aqua aqua 40ffff 20ffe0 #00ffc0 00e0a0 00c080 00c060 008040 006020 004000 green
aqua aqua aqua aqua aqua aqua 20ffff #00ffe0 00e0c0 00c0a0 00c080 008060 006040 004020 002000
e0ffff c0ffff a0ffff 80ffff 60ffff 40ffff 20ffff #00ffff
00e0e0 00c0c0 00c0a0 008080 006060 004040 002020
aqua aqua aqua aqua aqua aqua 20ffff #00e0ff 00c0e0 00a0c0 0080a0 006080 004060 002040 000020
aqua aqua aqua aqua aqua 40ffff 20e0ff #00c0ff 00a0e0 0080c0 0060a0 004080 002060 000040 navy
aqua aqua aqua aqua 60ffff 40e0ff 20c0ff #00a0ff 0080e0 0060c0 0040a0 002080 000060 navy navy
aqua aqua aqua 80ffff 60e0ff 40c0ff 20a0ff #0080ff 0060e0 0040c0 0020a0 000080 navy navy navy

Increasing grayishness, off of primary colors

f01010 e02020 d03030 c04040 b05050 a06060 907070 808080
#ff4000 f03010 e02020 reddish reddish reddish reddish reddish
#ff8000 f07010 e07020 d05030 c04040 reddish reddish reddish

See rest of grayish colors

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